Wednesday, January 19, 2011

This day finally came...
The day I finished all 5.5 seasons of himym and 3 seasons of big bang theory, leaving me with nth to watch, nth to do... Why is time always crawling when I want it to speed up and always so fast when i want it to stop? Suxxors

Its barely 2 months... I'm just wondering how to survive the next 11... especially the last few months...


Anonymous damon said...

amongst all the suggestions said previously, LEARN A NEW PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE?

write apps for iphone/android?

set up a food blog for your food adventures?!


4:40 PM  
Blogger Blitzy said...

Ps for the late sending of my addr... For some reason, I am rather sceptical of the postal service here. Lets hope I will be proven wrong.

1:31 PM  

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