Saturday, August 20, 2005

some thoughts... n something touching...

Hmm... Its normal to feel despo at times, but i always think tt we shdnt becos of our despo-ness, go n try to boost our self esteem n then, hurt others in e process... Really see no point... Man is selfish by nature, but yet, shdnt we try to exhibit consideration fer others too? Hmm... I dunno... Ppl seem to getting more n more selfish these days, doing everything fer they themselves only... Mebbe we shd take a step back, n relook at e stuff we do... Its human nature to put self in e 1st place, but this "self" notion may have caused u to hurt many ppl ard u... W/out u actually knowing, or maybe knowing but yet not really paying attention to it...

Just listened to some promo story for andy lau's new song.... Ok, u may say it sux, but i find it darn touching... Some parts i nt too sure too, but roughly...
There was once a married couple, the husband being a doctor who always had to work overtime becos of his job nature... Then becos of tt, he always misses his dates wif his wife... At this particular night, he once again had to miss a dinner wif his wife... Its e 58th meal, he owed her, wif her recording down every meal he owes her... Then she asks him to say the sacred words... "i love u"... But once again, he aint in a position to tell her, and just brushes it again... " ok, " the wife thinks, n once again, she records it down as the 108th time he din say tt to her... As usual, e wife deliver dinner fer him, wif him asking hsi wife to do tt, so tt she can be sure tt he is working overtime, n not having fun or wadever... Yet, just outside e hospital, a blue car crashed out of e blue, crashed onto the driver seat of the wife's car... N from then on, he can nv have the chance to ever say "i love u" to his wife ever again...

Well, sounds kindaf fictional, n due to my bad story telling, u may not feel anything... But the fact remains, everything in this world is transient, every banquet has to end, every moment cant be replicated... Treasure wad u have in e world now, ur family, ur frens, ur spouse... How many times have u non chalently said things tt may hurt them... Or mebbe, do things tt have disappointed them... N how many times have they forgived u... But when u realised that u've owed them too much, u may not have the chance to reciprocate... Everyone in this world has feelings too, Dun assume everything u have will be urs ferever, but rather, relish every single moment u have wif them... For u nv know when things will change... Forever...


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