Thursday, April 27, 2006

Crossroads once again....

Time really flies... It seems only yesterday that the week had begun n here, its ending already... Days just fly past u when u're doing work... But at least my stupid grp finally managed to get some results out... Now its just about beautifying them... Talked to my mentor about my future path, gave it some serious thought as to what i shd do... I've planned to minor in lotsaf things... Initially, i wanted to minor in SDS, which is a fun department, though the courses always clash with what i liked... Thought bt minoring in math too, since i generally enjoy math... But well, for some reason, the amth courses here dun really seem tt interesting to me, maybe perhaps cos the math i more interested in is not so applicable... n i want to have a minor in which i enjoy doing, not really stress myself over it... psy was in one of my considerations, but well, it requires too much courses for a minor... N i think i only like social psy n not really child psy or abnormal psy or cog psy... So well, i just took a social psy course n tts it... Policy has always been one of my interests, but the policy courses here are similar to econs courses... Like the policy 1 course cna be substituted by my micro econs course. The policy 3 course, the last of the sequence, is bascially the same as my EPP project... Which i'm taking now n is really darn bad... due to a bad grp n boring topic... Even econs i considered... But i'm not really an econs person...

More impt bt this planning of courses is tt i wanna have a good semester which is not too xiong... This sem was bad... Really bad... U c the period of time i dun blog... No points to guessing but yeah, its cos of me doing hw n hw n hw n not doing anything else... Now, i can breathe a bit better... Maybe cos finals coming n i'm suppose to be preparing for it... haha... But lets just wait until i finish my final lab reports n last programming assignment... Hope i can have a great weekend to be able to finish most of my work... then can start prep for exam and give it 1 final push...

Ok, i admit the previous paragraphs were boring... But well, tts my life now... boring... N just full of work... So yeah, if u feel bored reading it, well, try being in my shoes... Experiencing this kindaf life... Being in this kindaf shit... The only good thing is tt u've frens ard u taking similar courses, so if there's anything u dun understand, can always go n seek their help... But real glad that over here, my batch is not tt competitive among ourselves, mostly competitive against the rest of the class... HEard tt other batches have like really close fight among themselves... which i 'm darn glad tt there isnt tt much hostility or politics among our batch... which makes the environment really quite nice...


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