A trip back in time...
It all seems to familiar... Too familiar... Everything was like last semester... Yeap, junwei is back in pitt... And in timely fashion too... to distract me from wadever shit i was facing... N as much as i hate to admit it, i felt as though it was juz like last yr... Me being the ultimate "light bulb", me being constantly "suaned" by him, and me constantly knowing who to eat with... N in another 2 days, he's gone again... He's really like the big bro i nv had... But the sad thing is, yeah i doubt we'll see much of each other in the next few years...
Cant believe i actually went snowboarding... Haha, for the first time in my life... I always din understand how Alan can go snowboarding every week, wouldnt he be sick of it? And isnt there so much more things to do? But after that 1 day, i think i can slowly see y he is so crazy bt it... Haha... Yeah, i fell quite a bit, and i havent gone up the slopes yet, but i think i'm slowly getting the hang of it... trying to go again this week, prob will go, unless some hot babe decide to ask me out on fri, sat, n sun... (in my dreams... =p)
Sometimes i cant help but think, that the reason y ppl hang out wif me is mostly cos they can get some benefits out of me... Be it me helping them out with stuff, or me having a car, or sth... Maybe tts y even though i dun say it, i really appreciate people who nv ask or expect anything from me, but just willing to hang out with me for who i am... N its always gratifying to know that no matter what happens, there are people out there whom i can always rely on...
i finally understand the reason for me being so emotionally vulnerable the past weeks or even past sem... I always used to have someone there for me to turn to everytime... It used to be my family, then my jc frens, n then junwei... But after he left, i feel more alone... I feel a need to be strong to my friends, to take care of them n stuff, but when he's here, i can juz throw everything at him or rather, juz keep hanging out wif him as an excuse to avoid everything/everyone... Perhaps tts wad i really need... An excuse...
Cant believe i actually went snowboarding... Haha, for the first time in my life... I always din understand how Alan can go snowboarding every week, wouldnt he be sick of it? And isnt there so much more things to do? But after that 1 day, i think i can slowly see y he is so crazy bt it... Haha... Yeah, i fell quite a bit, and i havent gone up the slopes yet, but i think i'm slowly getting the hang of it... trying to go again this week, prob will go, unless some hot babe decide to ask me out on fri, sat, n sun... (in my dreams... =p)
Sometimes i cant help but think, that the reason y ppl hang out wif me is mostly cos they can get some benefits out of me... Be it me helping them out with stuff, or me having a car, or sth... Maybe tts y even though i dun say it, i really appreciate people who nv ask or expect anything from me, but just willing to hang out with me for who i am... N its always gratifying to know that no matter what happens, there are people out there whom i can always rely on...
i finally understand the reason for me being so emotionally vulnerable the past weeks or even past sem... I always used to have someone there for me to turn to everytime... It used to be my family, then my jc frens, n then junwei... But after he left, i feel more alone... I feel a need to be strong to my friends, to take care of them n stuff, but when he's here, i can juz throw everything at him or rather, juz keep hanging out wif him as an excuse to avoid everything/everyone... Perhaps tts wad i really need... An excuse...